Before you tear-off and replace a flat or low slope roof, call Gaco. The GacoFlex Solvent-Free Silicone Roofing System offers decades of proven performance and protection for renewing weathered or leaking roofs — large or small, flat or sloped.
A worn-out or leaking roof doesn’t always have to be ripped off and replaced. Whether you’re a roofing contractor or building owner, there’s another solution to consider: silicone roof coatings. Silicone roof coatings were first used in the 1960s and have since greatly advanced to become an excellent roofing material and economical alternative to re-roofing. Silicone coatings are fast and easy to apply and deliver decades of protection. The GacoFlex Solvent-Free Silicone Roof Coating System can be applied to almost any existing roofing surface — large or small, flat or sloped — to shield it from damaging ultraviolet light, permanent ponding water, and severe weather.
For new construction applications, or where a complete tear off is required, Gaco can offer a full roofing system. Starting from the deck with our polyisocyanurate spray foam insulation and capped with our S20 coating (similar to S42) providing a monolithic insulation and waterproofing system.
The Gaco S20 system installation process involves five simple steps:
Once the installation is complete, don’t forget to clean off any tools or spray equipment used to apply GacoFlex Silicone Coatings. GacoFlex T5135 Compliant Solvent is 100% water-free and alcohol-free and makes clean up a breeze.
NOTE: Refer to Application Specification for complete installation instructions and Product Data Sheets for appropriate Gaco products and application rates. Refer to for most current information.
Ready to renew, not re-roof? Find GacoFlex S20 Series at a store near you. Want more info? Contact a local Gaco area manager with questions and learn more about silicone roof coating prices, the long-term benefits of a silicone-coated roof, and more commercial roofing products for flat and low slope roofs.